UCSD Professor Renee Bowen will deliver the Razin Policy Lecture on September 19, 2022
The Georgetown Center for Economic Research and the GU Economics Department are pleased to welcome back Professor Renee Bowen who will deliver the 2022 Razin Lecture. The keynote lecture will take place on Monday, September 19, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. in the Fisher Colloquium within the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.

Renee Bowen is Professor and Pastor Faculty Fellow at the University of California San Diego. She holds joint appointments at the School of Global Policy and Strategy, and the Department of Economics. She is the Founder and Director of the Center for Commerce and Diplomacy at UCSD.
Professor Bowen has long ties to Georgetown. After completing a degree in Civil Engineering at MIT and working for a few years in the private sector, she came to Georgetown to work on her PhD in Economics which she completed in 2008. She received the Razin award for best research paper that year. She subsequently joined the faculty at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business before joining UCSD. Professor Bowen works in the fields of Political Economy, Microeconomic Theory and International Trade. Her research applies tools of game theory to the study of political institutions and actors. She has published in top economics journals including the American Economic Review, and the Quarterly Journal of Economics. She is widely recognized for her innovative work on the dynamics of power in bargaining and on status quo effects of trade policy in the international economic order. Her recent work studies effects of belief polarization in the current political climate. Professor Bowen currently serves on the editorial boards of the American Economic Journal: Insights, Journal of Economic Literature. Journal of Mathematical Economics, Quarterly Journal of Political Science and the Review of International Organizations. She is a member of the California Governor’s Council of Economic Advisors, a faculty research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a research fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Razin Lecture is accompanied by the awarding of the Razin Prize for best research paper by an advanced graduate student in Economics. The 2022 Razin Prize was awarded to Rodimiro Rodrigo.
Rodimiro Rodrigo completed his PhD in the spring of 2022 and joins the economics faculty of George Washington University in the Fall of 2022 as a tenure track Assistant Professor. Assistant Professor of International Business at the George Washington University School of Business

Rodimiro Rodrigo’s paper entitled “Robot Adoption, Organizational Capital and the Productivity Paradox“ was chosen as the best research paper this year. We extend our congratulations to Rodimiro’s thesis advisor, Professor Toshihiko Mukoyama.
More on the Razin Prize and Policy Lecture, its background, and history can be found here. The recording of the event and past Razin Lectures can be accessed by visiting our Georgetown University Economics YouTube Channel.